UDBHAVA is a National Level Tech Fest conducted by various departments of of Sree Narayana Guru college of Engineering & Technology, Payyanur on 27,28,29 April 2023. It comprises of ‘ARCVIL’ conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, ‘DYUTHI’ conducted by Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, ‘TECHNOVA’ conducted by Department of Electronics And Communication, ‘YANTRA’ conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering. On 27th April, UDBHAVA 23 was inaugurated by Ms. Meghasree D R IAS ( District Development Commissioner, Kannur ). Welcome address was given by Dr. Leena AV. Felicitation address was given by Sri. T K Rajendran ( Vice President, SBSSY ). Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Susan Abraham ( Dean UG/ PG Studies ). Various events was conducted on 28th and 29th of April.
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