Total Area : 80m2
The Workshop is designed to enable the student to familiarize various tools, measuring devices, practices and different methodsof manufacturing processes employed in industry for fabricating components. Students will be introduced to a teamworking environment where they develop the necessary skills for planning, preparing and executingan engineering project.
Total Area : 23M X 15 M
The lab is equipped with leading and most widely used design & analysis software programs which are required for improve the technical skills of the student as a mechanical engineer.
The main objectives of this lab are to demonstrate the applications of theories of basic fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines and to provide a more intuitive and physicalunderstanding of the theory.
Facilities for conducting project works related to fluid machineries, instruments are also available in this laboratory.
The facilities in the lab help the student to execute the work professionally as an employee in industries by applying manufacturing and management practices and gain the knowledge of latest advancements in Mechanical Engineering using Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing.
In this laboratory, students will have the opportunity to study the working principle of IC engines (both SI and CI engines), performance and characteristics in terms of heat balancing, economical speed variations, air fuel ratio influence on the engine to reinforce classroom theory by having the student perform required tests, analyze subsequent data, and present the results in a professionally prepared report.
The lab included with all the experimental setups to carry out experiments as specified by the university. Also additional instruments are available for students project works, research works etc.This lab helps the students to practically relate to concepts discussed in the Heat & Mass Transfer course.
The Metrology and instrumentation Laboratory course is designed for measuring and gauging instruments for inspection of precision linear, geometric forms, angular and surface finish measurements. Instrumentation lab introduces the students with the theory and methods for conducting experimental work in the laboratory and calibration of various instruments for measuring pressure, temperature, displacement, speed, vibration etc.
The Material Testing Laboratory course is designed for determine and measure the characteristics of materials, such as hardness, Tension, compression, impact, shearing. This lab introduces the students with the theory and methods for conducting experimental work in the laboratory to make them capable of selecting materials for different requirements in the field of Engineering.
Total Area : 15m x 9 m
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